

It is often referred to as the Greatest Story of All Time. Christians refer to it as the very Word of God, inspired and God-breathed. The Bible is the greatest selling book of all time, yet many are ignorant of its power and precepts. While billions are being spent on education all over the world, many are ignorant of the only path to salvation: Jesus Christ. This is why the ministry of Bible Tweet Chain is so essential in today’s world. In an era where Twitter and text messaging reigns supreme, Bible Tweet Chain is attempting a huge endeavor of tweeting the entire Bible from person to person on Twitter. This chain, much like the wave in major sporting events is a grassroots effort that is empowered by the Holy Spirit. It’s also very easy to use. Go to www.tweetsofprayer.com and log-in with your Twitter account. Simply click the button that says, “Recite,” and the verse will be posted on your Twitter account. Now it’s up to the next Christian to post the next verse and so on and so on, until all of God’s Word is proclaimed to the Twitter-verse. The early Church passed along the Good News of the Gospel, in a similar way, by person to person from person to person. The movement was directed by the Holy Spirit and saw great success due primarily to the fact that the Word wasn’t kept secret, strangled and held tightly between a select few. Instead, the Word was a precious gift to be given freely to all people. As Christians, we tend to romanticize this early Church period often wishing to be a part of such an amazing movement for the Gospel. Bible Tweet Chain allows us to do just that by simply using our Twitter for the Gospel’s purpose. Anyone can be used by God, to serve God, and Bible Tweet Chain may just be the most practical way to share our faith on a daily basis. All Christians are called to share the Gospel. This is the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. So here’s a personal challenge: let’s share the Bible verse-by-verse together. Let’s shine light into the darkness, together. Let us, together, boldly share the Word of God. The task of the Gospel is simply, one click away.


For more information, please visit: www.tweetsofprayer.com  

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